Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Politics, or moreso Democracy

Democracy, first coined by the Greeks as δημοκρατία or dēmokratía is the main political system of the Developed World. It is a brilliant piece of political ideology, the people choose who leads them and it's their choice, to argue the latter is to be a dictator. Well people are stupid, and it's because of that, that democracy blurs the lines between a political system to a way of life.

Democracy isn't concrete, there are nations in the world that openly reject free democracy: Cuba, China, and by proxy most of the Africas under military junta. It's inherent flaws lies in not the system itself but how it has become warped. Power to the people, and their collective choice is what determines the rule of a country for a set period of time. By the act of simple majority, it negates the logical premise that everyone's view is equal and balanced, it isn't. Stupid people make stupid voters which in turn makes a stupid state that is ruled by a smarter political party. It's usually one of two big parties in the Western world, conservatives and liberals in name only. Conservatives which feature most prominently on the right are heavily favored as fiscal conservatives, low budget deficits, reduced state welfare and lower tax with progressive policy. Liberals on the left (usually) espouse state welfare, interventionist policy and 'liberal ideals' gay marriage, abortion etc. Without going into it too much, the vote is pretty much divided in each election 50/40/10, which doesn't clearly give too much of an idea of what the country wants. The last US presidency was won with a 53/48 split, with a country so divided on ideals it's hard to imagine that this is what people want. Many would argue at least a system that works is better than no system at all, to argue the side of the communist is probably stupid but hey I'm stupid. On paper communism sounds "pretty good", in practice not so great and democracy much the same. Imagine a scenario like this out of 100 people 53 want pizza and 48 want pasta, because 5 more people wanted pizza everyone must now have pizza for the entire meal.

Although I myself have no better system of going about it, I do believe that a rigid system of democracy is probably the least 'worst', the lesser of two evils, it's only when stupid people vote that it creates havoc. In the homeland of democracy, Greece it is a scenario where the people have enjoyed high standards of living and when economic crisis occurs they riot against their government. People have elected a government to lead, and not to please. Government's should take action on the part of the citizenry and not take action so it can stay in power, an ass move like the debt crisis should send resounding issues about government deficits and how a democracy like the USA is owing 15T in combined household debt. Democratic governments shouldn't appease their voters with perks like tax cuts or immensely ridiculously unsustainable welfare(Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) they should be managing a nation.

Had a lot more to say but my fingers are could and I generally cbf.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." - Abraham Lincoln


  1. "Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." - Winston Churchill

    I like your Churchillian outlook on politics. As long as you don't go hatin' on the Irish, its cool.

  2. irish suck my balls
    therefore gaffeney sucks my balls
